Supplements, online newsletters & Powerpoint slides

In these examples of medical writing work, my name is listed in the Acknowledgments as providing writing or editorial support.

  1. Advances in the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis and fractures: Proceedings of a symposium. Am J Med 1997;103 Suppl 2A:92 pp. Journal Website
  2. International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Exchanges. Children with asthma: Global experiences of primary care. May 2006. IPCRG Link
  3. IPCRG Exchanges. Asthma guidelines 2008. May 2008. IPCRG Website
  4. IPCRG. Achieving asthma control in practice: Understanding the reasons for poor control. Powerpoint slideset and summary pdf files. Feb 2009. IPCRG Link